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Full Circle: Resident Research in College Mental Healthā€©

In this poem, Dr. Jeena Kar reflects on her experience with a diversity, equity, and research elective during residency. She participated in NIH grantā€“funded research that seeks to increase access of underrepresented and minoritized undergraduate students to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and biomedical fields. She facilitated…

Psychiatry Fiscal Office Wins Holiday Contest

Our fiscal and billing offices at the 1329 Building went all out for this yearā€™s holiday decorating contest, and weā€™re thrilled to share that they won! The theme, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, came to life with a magical “Who-Village” created entirely by our talented team. This…

Hopeful Trends in College Mental Health

For students with depression or anxiety, there’s less stigma and more treatment. Dr. Morris talks about the positive changes to mental health stigma among college students over the past 10 years of the Healthy Minds study.

Extreme Drinking on Holidays and Special Occasions

In his recent Psychology Today article, UF Distinguished Professor Emeritus Mark Gold highlights research by UF Psychiatry Professor Lisa Merlo on extreme drinking during holidays and special occasions.