MDU 4003 – Introduction to the Professions of Medicine

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: None

Syllabus: Will be posted soon

Professor: Joseph Thornton, MD

Coordinator: Seth Downing

Class Assistant: Seth Downing

Registration: ONE.UF [Course listed under MEDICINE-GENERAL in undergrad catalog]

Contact: Seth Downing –


This course is designed to provide students with practical knowledge about what the day-to-day is like for healthcare providers who practice in a variety of medical field subspecialties. Through the use of videos from professionals in each field and articles pertinent to each specialty, this course will help solidify students’ understanding of the medical specialties and ultimately provide them with resources to help define their future career goals.

  • After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
    • Discuss the roles of various health care professionals in the current health care delivery system
    • Discuss the educational background methods of credentialing and licensing requirements of health care professions on a state and national level
    • Identify qualities required for those who wish to pursue a career in the health care profession

Comments from Past Students

“MEL4011 introduced me to the real life of doctors and what each specialty is about.”
“This course has immensely broadened my view of the world of medicine.”
“This course confirmed that my passion definitely is in Medicine.”
“After taking MEL4011 I feel I have an incredible advantage when I am doing medical school interviews.”
“I liked interacting with other students and voicing my own opinion. At times I questioned my own beliefs.”
“I was forced to consider things I had never pondered previously.”
“I feel that the website was set up very well, much better than other online courses.”