University of Florida
- UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute Research Services
The goal of the UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s Service Center is to provide research services and resources to investigators performing translational research across the UF campus.
- Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP)
DSP facilitates institutional approval for all extramural proposal submissions, accepts and administers grant awards, and negotiates contracts and other research-related agreements on behalf of the University of Florida.
- Division of Research Program Development
The Division of Research Program Development identifies funding opportunities for faculty, manages internal funding programs, coordinates the selection of UF’s applicants for limited submission programs, and assists in planning and coordinating large, interdisciplinary research initiatives.
- Office of Technology Licensing
The Office of Technology Licensing transfers UF discoveries from the laboratory to the market to make the world a better place. OTL staff are dedicated to assisting UF employees who feel they have something new and useful, with patent potential.
National Institute of Health
- SF424 Guidelines Forms Version D