Current Projects


Anxiety treatment camp

COARD Fear Facers Camp Group Photo
Fear Facers Camp

“Fear Facers” is a week-long full-day summer therapeutic camp aimed at reducing OCD and anxiety symptoms that is run by the UF Center for Obsessive-Compulsive and Anxiety Related Disorders, one of our close collaborators. The camp is heavily grounded in exposure therapy. Currently, our team is examining the efficacy of the camp in treating children with a wide variety of anxiety disorders. Future camps will be used to help determine the added value of implementing token economies as motivational tools for engaging in exposures and whether it affects treatment outcomes. To learn more about our camp, visit:

OCD Treatment Outcome Project

Current study in preparation to examine our clinical predictors of treatment outcomes in the UF OCD Program. Factors we are interested in include comorbidity, sleep, exposure therapy processes, and family factors.

Adolescent Mental Illness Self Stigma (A-MISS)

This study aims to assess the longitudinal profile of self-stigma mental illness for adolescents undergoing psychological and psychiatric care. Additionally, other constructs such as Perceived Quality of Life will be examined.

Clinical Data Bank Studies

We have begun data-banking routine outcome measures for two of our clinics in order to assess treatment outcomes. One data bank focuses on child and parenting behaviors and attitudes for patients undergoing Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), the other tracks symptoms across treatment for patients (adults and children) undergoing exposure therapy for OCD.

Hoarding Disorder Perspectives

Two studies were run to gain insight into the perspectives of providers and researchers and those with clutter problems on Hoarding Disorder. These studies are in the analysis phase.