OCD, Anxiety, & Related Disorders Track

Please see the Training Program Overview for details that apply across all tracks.

Unique Training Elements for this Track

CBT-ERP Specialty Therapy Required:

The primary clinical responsibility of postdocs on this track will be to provide therapy services as part of the UF OCD Program. Postdocs are expected to have 24 appointment times available for scheduling. Of these available appointment times, 60% – 100% can be allocated to the CBT-ERP specialty. The exact percentage will be based on postdoc preference and clinical need. 

The UF OCD Program provides 60 minute therapy sessions to children, adolescents, and adults with OCD, anxiety, or related disorders. Appointments may be scheduled as frequently as once per day and can be delivered in clinic, over telehealth, or off-site as clinically indicated. Our primary therapeutic approach is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). We augment these approaches with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Parent Management Training (PMT) as needed. Postdocs will collaborate closely with psychiatric providers. 

As part of the UF OCD Program, we offer Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP) delivered once per day, 5 days a week, for a minimum of 3 weeks. Patients are seen by a small team of therapists so they may not see the same therapist each day. Postodcs will serve on these teams as part of their face-to-face hours. As they gain experience, we expect postdocs to take leadership roles on the IOP team. Patients who participate in this program may be local to North Central Florida, but are often coming from further away frequently including Tallahassee, Georgia, Alabama, or Miami, and even as far as California or Switzerland. 

General Therapy Required:

Of the 24 available appointment times, 0%-40% will be allocated to General Therapy based on postdoc preference and clinic need. Demographically, our general outpatient clinic population is fairly representative of the surrounding Alachua County population which is about 70% Caucasian, 8% Hispanic or Latino, 20% Black or African American, and 5% Asian (as of 2010). The age range is from 13 years old to 65 years old. The postdocs will provide services for patients with private insurance. Diagnostically, the clinic serves a wide range of presenting concerns, including mood disorders, behavior problems, personality disorders, adjustment problems, and trauma. Postdocs may use any evidence-based approach they determine to be fitting for the presenting concern including CBT, ACT, DBT, MI, PMT, as well as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) or Trauma Focused CBT (TF-CBT).  There is some ability to select patients based on individual training goals. We also encourage postdocs to take a few patients outside their usual area of focus to expand their training and readiness for independent practice.

Group Therapy Optional:

If the postdoc is interested, any number of individual therapy face-to-face hours may be converted to group therapy. Based on their interest, the postdoc may run a closed group or rolling enrollment group. Groups that have been led in the past include: OCD support group, CBT skills for hoarding disorder, CBT skills for social anxiety disorder, therapeutic horticulture, adult DBT skills, adolescent DBT skills, and parent training to limit accommodation. We highly encourage postdocs to be creative and have fun organizing groups in their area of interest.

Sample OCD, Anxiety & Related Disorders Track Daily Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 AM Therapy Didactics Therapy Therapy Therapy
9:00 AM Therapy Didactics Therapy Therapy Therapy
10:00 AM Therapy Therapy Therapy Individual Supervision Therapy
11:00 AM Multidisciplinary Case Conference Therapy Admin Therapy Admin
12:00 PM Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00 PM Admin Admin Teaching Admin Teaching
2:00 PM Admin Individual Supervision Admin Psychology Case Conference Admin
3:00 PM Therapy Therapy Therapy Therapy Therapy
4:00 PM Therapy Therapy Therapy Therapy Therapy

Summary: 24 face-to-face hours, eight protected admin hours for charting and other case management, four didactic or case conference hours, two individual supervision hours, two teaching hours or time spent in supervision of graduate students.

Sample OCD, Anxiety & Related Disorders Track Didactic Schedule

8 am Hour Combined with all Postdocs 9 AM Hour Usually Specialty Tracks Only
Safety Assessments and Involuntary Commitments Safety considerations in OCD/ERP
EPPP/Planning for the Year Tips for Building Hierarchies
Guest Lecture: Mandated Reporting Integrating Families in Treatment
Guest Lecture: Motivational Interviewing Part 1 Motivational Interviewing for ERP
Guest Lecture: Medical Comorbidities in Adults Differential Diagnosis
Guest Lecture: Medical Comorbidities in Children ERP When Medical Comorbidities Are Present
Guest Lecture: Intro to Psychopharmacology for Adults Guest Lecture: Neurobiological Biases of Behavior for the EPPP
Guest Lecture: Educational and Employment Rights and Advocacy School Accommodations in OCD and Anxiety
Guest Lecture: Intro to Psychopharmacology for Children Integrating Parent Management Training with ERP
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in ERP