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Dr. Bassi receives FPS Alliance Grant

Dr. Bruce Bassi accepts his FPS Alliance Grant We are pleased to announce that Dr. Bruce Bassi, PGY-2, is the recipient of a Florida Psychiatric Society (FPS) Alliance Grant. This grant is to assist with attendance at the…

Special Recognition

Drs. Choudhury and Thornton Publish Article on Abuse of Autonomy Congratulations to Drs. Chouhury and Thornton on their article published last month in the Psychiatric Times tackling the ethical dilemma of forcing a school shooter to donate his brain for scientific study. You can read their article…

Congratulations to our 2015 Resident and Fellow Graduates!

On Friday night, we celebrated the graduation of our residents and fellows at the Gainesville Womanā€™s Club. It was a wonderful event and a great time to reconnect with members of our programs and departments. Below is a list of our graduates and awardees. Thank you to all…