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Congratulations to our 2015 Resident and Fellow Graduates!

On Friday night, we celebrated the graduation of our residents and fellows at the Gainesville Womanā€™s Club. It was a wonderful event and a great time to reconnect with members of our programs and departments. Below is a list of our graduates and awardees. Thank you to all…

UF Health Shands Hospital | 100 Great Hospitals in America 2015

UF Health Shands Hospital (Gainesville, Fla.). UF Health Shands Hospital is named for William Augustine Shands, a Florida senator who attended the University of Florida in the early 1900s. UF Health Shands Hospital opened originally as UF Teaching Hospital in 1958 and was renamed as W.A. Shands Teaching…

168th Annual American Psychiatric Association Meeting

University of Florida, Department of Psychiatry Exhibitor Booth The 168th Annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) Meeting is currently taking place at the Toronto Convention Centre and the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, Canada. The APA Annual Meeting was established in…

Dr. Witter will present his research at the 2015 APA New Research Press Briefing on May 17

New Research: Analysis of Risk Communication on Ebola Crisis Finds Public Could Benefit from Less Assurance, More Empowerment Researchers Daniel Witter, M.D., Ph.D., Kyle Dalton and Joseph Thornton, M.D., evaluated CDCā€™s communication strategy based on guidelines on infectious disease risk communication developed as recommendations to the World Health Organization (WHO).

UF Health Hospitality & Service Standards of Behavior Update

13 teams have now successfully completed the UF Health Hospitality and Service Standards of Behavior training! 1. Adult Inpatient 2. McKnight Brain Institute, Psychiatry Administration 3. CARD – Center for Autism and Related Disorders 4. Student Mental Health 5. Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine – Vero Beach 6. Administration…

Advocacy Day Symposium – The Recovery Movement

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 2:00pm – 5:00pm Health Science Center, Room C1-3 The UF Department of Psychiatry Residency Training Program Presents: Advocacy Day Symposium   ā€œThe Recovery Movementā€ within psychiatry, has been nationally promoted by the American Psychiatric Association, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and…

Dr. Rajiv Tandon 2015 NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrist Award Winner

Rajiv Tandon, MD has been selected to receive the 2015 NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrist Award. This award is given to psychiatrists noteworthy for going the extra mile and who have made substantial contributions to NAMI Affiliate or NAMI State Organization activities. Award winners are recognized for their advocacy for access…