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2015 NAMI | Florida Advocacy Rally

Mental Illness Advocacy supporters took to the Old Capital Steps in Tallahassee on March 24th for the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Florida Advocacy Rally. Their message, Stigma = Discrimination, Treat Us Equally! The event began at 9:30am with a Rally and Speakers, including President of NAMI Florida and…

Gardening Program for People with Depression

The University of Florida (UF) and the UF Department of Psychiatry has established an ongoing therapeutic horticulture program for people with depression. The therapeutic benefits of gardening have been documented for many years, our program began as recreational therapy for patients on Unit 52 at UF Health Shands.

Congratulations Avis on your 30 Year Milestone Award!

Avis Litchfield has earned her 30 year Milestone Award! Staff gathered to celebrate this milestone achievement! She has been a valuable team member and we are honored to help her celebrate the years she has devoted to the department. Congratulations Avis!…

Congratulations Louis W. Solomon, M.D.!

Louis Solomon, MDAssistant Professor Louis W. Solomon, M.D. of the Department of Psychiatry has won the Superior Accomplishment Award for Community Service. The University of Florida 2014-2015 Superior Accomplishment Awards program recognizes faculty and staff who have shown efficiency or economy…