Monica Polcz
Polcz is a junior Biochemistry major working in Dr. Hobbs’ lab. She recently became an HHMI/Science for Life Scholar and will spend this summer at Yale under the direction of Dr. Tattersall, renowned expert on parvoviruses. Her award includes a $2000 stipend. She also recently presented the following topic at the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association: “Parvovirus B19 Infection in Thyroid Tumors”.
Yoko Tanimura
Tanimura is from Dr. Lewis’ lab has been selected as a recipient of the HHMI Science for Life Graduate Student Mentor Award (including a $500 monetary award)! She was recognized at a reception at the President Machen’s house on April 22.
The University of Florida Science for Life program
Has just named 8 HHMI Graduate Student Awards for 2008. These awards recognize excellence in graduate students who are able to mentor their undergraduates to a point where the undergraduate achieves coauthorship in peer-reviewed publications. These graduate students represent 10 different academic departments university-wide and have published research with 20 different undergraduate students while mentoring far more.
Amanda Stone
Stone a senior Pre-Med student working in Dr. Merlo’s lab through the University Scholars program was awarded the 2009 “Best Paper Award” for her research examining college students’ attitudes toward mental illness and psychiatric medication. Her paper was also presented at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting in Reno, NV.
Shani Isaac
Isaac, a recent graduate (2008) was featured in the UF POST for her undergraduate career and work alongside Dr. Adriaan Bruijnzeel. A University Scholar, through the Science for Life Program she was able to spend 7 months with Nobel Laureate Dr. Susumu Tonegawa at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researching memory pathways in relation to addiction.
Reva Datar
Datar is a sophomore (soon to be junior) student from Dr. Hobbs’ lab has been accepted into the UF/HHMI Science for Life intramural research program! She joined other students working in our department in being recognized at a reception at the President Machen’s house on April 22. Please join us in congratulating her.
Who’s Who
Grace Jeon
Jeon is a 3rd year premed student double majoring in Biology and Psychology. She works with Dr. Kobiessy on a project involving the relationship between the use of methamphetamine and early Alzheimer’s. In the future she plans to attend Emory Medical School and specialize in family medicine.