Selected recent publications:
Lewis, B., Garcia, C.C., Boissoneault, J., Price, J.L., Nixon, S.J. (accepted) Working memory performance following acute alcohol: Replication and extension of dose by age interactions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Price, J.L., Frazier, I., Lewis, B., Walker, R., Javors, M., Nixon, S.J., Adinoff, B. (2019) Differences in pituitary-adrenal reactivity in black and white men with and without alcohol use disorder. Psychoneuroendocinology 100: 180-189.
Boissoneault, J., Lewis, B., Nixon, S.J. (2018). Characterizing chronic pain and alcohol use trajectory among treatment seeking alcoholics.Alcohol 75: 47-54.
Lewis, B., Garcia, C.C., Nixon, S.J. (2018). Drinking patterns and adherence to “low-risk” guidelines among community-residing older adults. Drug Alcohol Depend 187: 285-291.
Price, J.L., Lewis, B., Boissoneault, J., Frazier, I., Nixon, S.J. (2018). Effects of Acute Alcohol and Driving Complexity in Older and Younger Adults. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 235(3), 887-96.
Full list of peer-reviewed publications