McNeil Co-Authors New Book: Time-Out in Child Behavior Management

book cover for Drs. Lieneman & McNeil's book Time-Out in Child Behavior Management from hogrefe publishing

Corey Lieneman, PhD and Cheryl McNeil, PhD co-author new book, Time-Out in child Behavior Management “a great resource for therapists and trainees to understand the research, nuts and bolts, and controversies surrounding time-out. A fair amount of the book is devoted to examining and exemplifying a version of the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) time-out.”

Dr. Lieneman is a clinical child psychologist and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her research and clinical interests lie in disruptive behavior disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and behavioral parent training for young children. She is level one trainer for Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International.

Dr. McNeil is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Florida. She spent the previous 28 years of her career at West Virginia University. Dr. McNeil has coauthored many books, chapters, and over 150 research articles related to the importance of intervening early with young children displaying disruptive behaviors. Dr. McNeil is a global trainer for PCIT International and has disseminated PCIT to agencies
and therapists in many states and countries.

“Time-Out in Child Behavior Management is a brilliantly written book covering every aspect of the time-out procedure, from its history and research base to its application in parent-child interaction therapy and in a fascinating case vignette. All mental health providers working with young children need to read this book!”

– Daniel Bagner, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Director of Clinical Training, FIU

Learn more about the book and how to get your copy at hogrefe publishing.