2017 Guest Chef to benefit Peaceful Paths

2017 Guest ChefThe 16th Annual Guest Chef Cocktail Party to benefit Peaceful Paths was held at the Gainesville Woman’s Club on March 16th . With 28 chefs, ticket sales, and a number of silent and live auction items this year’s event raised $43,500!

The Department of Psychiatry was the proud presenting sponsor at this year’s event with several members of the department attending to show their support for Peaceful Paths and the wonderful work they do providing Alachua, Bradford and Union county’s survivors of domestic abuse with services such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis hotline and other wonderful resources and community education programs.

To learn more about Peaceful Paths visit the Peaceful Paths website at http://www.peacefulpaths.org/


2017 Guest Chef
2017 Guest Chef
Priscilla Spence as Guest Chef
Dept of Psychiatry Residents enjoying the event
Dept of Psychiatry staff pose with Dr. Bussing
Tina Green also standing in as our Guest Chef
Dr. Bussing addressing the attendees
Dr. Hobbs and Dr. Yazdanpanph
Prisclla Spence with Drs. Rahmani & Shapiro