It is our pleasure to announce that Bruce Bassi, PGY-2, has been named a 2016 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Honors Scholar! He was selected from a very competitive national applicant pool. For this prestigious scholarship, he will receive a one-year membership in the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), airfare and three nights’ hotel accommodation to participate in the Scholars Program held in conjunction with the AAGP Annual Meeting, full registration to the AAGP Annual Meeting, participation in ongoing AAGP activities such as AAGP committee initiatives, an academic project related to geriatric psychiatry working with an assigned mentor, and other unique opportunities.
Upon completion of his scholarly project, he will present the findings at the following year’s meeting as well. This is yet another amazing national-level opportunity for one of our residents.
We are on a roll as this is our second year in a row to have one of our residents selected for this opportunity (Andrew Pierce, MD received this last year). Please join us in congratulating Bruce on his AAGP scholarship.