Congratulations to our 2015 Resident and Fellow Graduates!

2015 Grad Cake

On Friday night, we celebrated the graduation of our residents and fellows at the Gainesville Woman’s Club. It was a wonderful event and a great time to reconnect with members of our programs and departments.

Below is a list of our graduates and awardees. Thank you to all who attended and helped to make this an amazing moment in the lives of our graduates.

2015 Graduates 


General Psychiatry                       

Rakesh Amin, MD

Joseph Calleja, MD

San Chang, MD

Adrienne Eisner, MD

Aliya Khan, MD

Naomi Park, MD

Anand Patel, MD

Mahdi Razafsha, MD

Vikram Vaka, MD

Alexandra Wang, MD

PGY-4 Child & Adolescent

Andrea Brownridge, MD

Ali Canton, MD

Lalita Ramnaraine, MD


Child and Adolescent

Stephanie Jallen, MD

Jessica Prowell, MD

American Board of Addiction Medicine

Laurie Ann Solomon, MD

Steven David Pinkert, MD JD

Steven A. Mann, MD

Forensic Psychiatry

Elizabeth Worsham, MD

 Medical Psychology


Anyaliese D. Hancock-Smith, PhD

Lisa Marie King, PsyD

Shauna T. Miller, PhD


Matthew L. Daley, M.Ed.

Shanee Toledano, M.Ed.


2014-2015 Awards

Faculty Awards

Carlos E. Muniz, MD Mentor Award Richard Holbert, MD
William “Buck” Ruffin, MD Best Teacher Award Ana Turner, MD
Resident Supervisor Award Joseph McNamara, PhD
Patient Care & Teaching Award Thomas J. Raulerson, MD
Patient Care & Teaching Award Peter M. Gallogly, MD


Chief Resident Awards

Chief Resident in Adult Psychiatry Adrienne Eisner, MD
Chief Resident in Adult Psychiatry San Chang, MD
Outpatient Chief Resident in Adult Psychiatry Joseph Calleja, MD
Outpatient Chief Resident in Adult Psychiatry Naomi Park, MD


Resident Performance Awards

Josepha A. Cheong, MD Med Student Clinical Teacher Award San Chang, MD
Richard Christensen, MD Community Service Award Melinda Hansen, MD
John M. Kuldau, MD Research Award Andrew Pierce, MD
Patient Care Award Joseph Calleja, MD
Ross A. McElroy, Jr. MD Psychotherapy Award Mahdi Razafsha, MD


Education Committee Awards

Chair, CME Education Committee Michael Shapiro, MD
Member, CME Education Committee Stephanie Jallen, MD
Member, CME Education Committee Christopher Ong, MD
Member, CME Education Committee Crystal Wilson, MD
Member, CME Education Committee Daniel Witter, MD


Academic Achievement Awards

PGY-1 John E. Adams Memorial Academic Achievement Ahmed Qureshi, MD
PGY-2 John E. Adams Memorial Academic Achievement Krista Pinard, MD
PGY-3 John E. Adams Memorial Academic Achievement Wesley Hill, MD
PGY-4 John E. Adams Memorial Academic Achievement Mahdi Razafsha, MD

We thank Dr. Bussing for her support of the Education mission. We also thank Terry Lemesh, Dorothy McCallister, and Priscilla Spence for all of their support to make this event a big success.

Forensic Fellowship Training Director, Dr. Werner presents Graduating Fellow Elizabeth Warsham, MD with a plaque at Graduation
Forensic Fellowship Training Director, Dr. Werner presents Graduating Fellow Elizabeth Worsham, MD with a plaque at Graduation


Residents gather on stage at the 2015 Department of Psychiatry Housestaff Graduation at the Gainesville Woman's Club
Residents gather on stage at the 2015 Department of Psychiatry Housestaff Graduation at the Gainesville Woman’s Club













American Board of Addiction Medicine Fellows, Laurie Ann Solomon, MD; Steven David Pinkert, MD, JD; and Steven A, Mann, MD
American Board of Addiction Medicine Fellows, Laurie Ann Solomon, MD; Steven David Pinkert, MD, JD; and Steven A, Mann, MD